How to Make Your Website More User-Friendly

Easy navigation is one of the biggest characteristics of a user-friendly website. It ensures that your customers will keep coming back. A study by Usability Tools tested and analyzed eight websites of universities, and the results revealed that those with transparent information and clear menu labels were liked by visitors the most.

You have probably visited many websites that take too long to load, you keep clicking tabs but can’t find the right page, the contact information is not stated clearly, etc. In the end, you leave the website and take your business elsewhere. Bad reviews are not just due to faulty or low-quality products, and poor navigation can also compel users to post negative reviews. So, to prevent your profits from slimming, we suggest you get your website redesigned by a professional.

“UI is the saddle, the stirrups, & the reins. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse.”

Dain Miller

What are the Tips?

Below are five tips on how to make your website user-friendly:

// 1. Convenient Site Navigation: Provide Helpful Breadcrumbs

The top drop-down menu often shows all the pages a website offers. However, how do website visitors get back to the starting page if they are browsing a particular product? Breadcrumbs are useful for such situations. They show the user exactly where they are, in which category, and sub-category.

// 2. Easy-to-Read Content

Customers always skim through content when they are browsing a website. That’s because they are looking for something, and when they do find it, they explore the other tabs leisurely. For the latter to happen, you need to keep your customers engaged with content for the former. For example, if you are selling Italian leather bags, your website should have readable fonts based on your logo, key points are provided for those who have less time, appropriate color contrasts, clear headings, bullet points mention the USPs, and text divided into short, readable paragraphs with handy columns and images. All these should work to convince a visitor to become a customer.

// 3. Make Your Website Fast

As mentioned earlier, if your website is slow, visitors will leave it immediately. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to speed it up, such as image optimization, JS and CSS aggregation to minimize server requests, using caching techniques, web font optimization, image lazy loading, implementing AMP standard, getting rid of unnecessary plugins and CMS modules, and much more.

// 4. Use One Color

Multiple colors can confuse visitors because first-timers identify a brand’s true image through consistency. If your colors are all over the place as if a rainbow has been splattered on your website, visitors won’t be able to relate to it. Make sure that the color scheme matches that of your brand logo.

// 5. Ensure Your Website Is Mobile-Friendly

Nowadays, most people browse a website on their mobile. Hence, make sure users can navigate your website on devices running iOS and Android. A mobile-friendly website’s layout is smaller with clearer tabs so that visitors can tap them easily. Moreover, use JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats so that there are no scaling and bandwidth issues.

With these minor changes, you can build your brand’s identity and make it grow. Why not ask your customers what would make your website more user-friendly and then implement their suggestions?

Let azure77 act as your personal affordable creative studio and help you with your website’s graphic design. We offer various services, like Graphic Design, Creative Consulting and Training, Publication Design, Website Design, Motion Graphics, Photography, Digital Content Creation, and more. To get in touch with us, click HERE.

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